
Wednesday 30 November 2011

not fair!!

ok, today we had no school because our school was on strike which i was perfectly happy with, that was until i found out that we were bein set classwork and homework on the VLE! that is soo not fair because it was the teachers choice to go on strike, that means that we shouldnt get any homework! am not going to do much though!! take that teachers!
lucyxx (collins)

what is on my mind?

right this moment i feel really random. am on me and nats blog and listening to some guy called neil finn. he is actually quite good. also, he's newzealndish (like my mum and half of my family!) he is not however that good so i dont suggest buying his album called 'try whisting this'. weird name. another thing on my mind is how good looking and talented my husband (marcus) is! anyway good bye! i WILL be back! :)

Marcus's performances

Here it the amaaaaaaaaaaaazing MARCUS COLLINS he is brilliant and u better vote for him coz he is AMAZING and MARRIED to my BNFF (best new zealandish friend forever) so here is his performance!

Oh and by the way HE IS SOOO GIONG TO WIN X FACTOR you have a star in your hands gary! 

marcus collins

everyone likes marcus, he's cool, talented and cute. sadly he's already taken, by ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tough luck all of you marcus lovers i am already married to him and i know he loves me truly. even though he's gay. would just like to say that if you ever meet the man himself, could you tell him to vist
thanks and tell ny hubby his dinners ready.  by the way my name is Lucy (collins)! xxx